European Union as a Global Agenda Setter?
The book deals with the intricate processes concerning the formulation and adoption of grand developmental strategies (like the EU's grand strategic visions till 2030 and their global impact). The EU has been continuously rethinking its global position amidst emerging economic and geopolitical challenges and attempting to formulate strategies to increase its competitiveness. The EU recognized the importance of long-term strategizing by adopting, implementing, and monitoring the Lisbon Strategy (2000-2010) and Europe 2020 (2010-2020). The approach taken by the authors contributes to understanding and proper response to key global and European challenges such as demographic changes; digitalization of society; environmental challenges; inclusion and citizenship; investment, reforms, and governance; and technological change and the future of work. It will start with an introductory chapter. The content of the book is divided into three sections, outlining the main concept of the volume: evaluating and shading the light to different policies surrounding the (global) strategic visions of the 2030 Agenda of the EU.
European Union as an Industry Leader? Positioning European Union Industrial Policy in Danube Regions Reality
Strengthening Circular Economy through Industrial Symbiosis: The NextGenerationEU Opportunity
The European Union's Approach to Security Through the Lens of IR Paradigms
Causes and Challenges of the Danube Region Countries in Attracting and Retaining Talents as One of the Key Competitive Advantages of the Future
Tourism Development in the Context of the Real Estate Business
The Effectiveness of European Union Regional Policies - A Longitudinal Review
Bringing European Union Grand Strategies Closer to Local Communities: The Role of Community Foundations in Substantiating EU's Strategic Thinking on Sustainable Development
Introducing Reflexibility as a Path towards Society 5.0
The Contemporary Paradigm of Human Dignity in the European Union Context

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