Contemporary Issues in International Economics


Žan Jan Oplotnik (ed)
University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business
Natacha de Jesus Silva (ed)
Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique, IJP – Portucalense Institute for Legal Research


The contemporary economic environment is in most segments quite different than it was even two decades ago. Globalization, development of new technologies, especial in the IT sector, financial innovations, repositioning of economic powers, and new business models are only a few of many new realities. Although all listed brought numerous new possibilities and continuous economic growth, we cannot neglect the increased risks and perils of contemporary economic reality. Uncertainty and adaptation have become a mantra in the life of entrepreneurs, governments, and institutions. Through eight chapters of this monograph, different experts, researchers and scholars try to enlight contemporary economic environment from a different perspective, either from the perspective of entrepreneur, financial industry, governments or average consumer and participant in the modern economy that was very promising only a few decades ago, but more uncertain and dangerous than ever, in the present.


  • The Impact of Systemic Stress in the Euro Area on Bilateral Exports of Goods
    Dejan Romih
  • The Impact of Economic Policy Uncertainty and Financial Stress in the United Kingdom on Bilateral Exports of Goods: Pre-Brexit Evidence
    Dejan Romih
  • EU Foreign Investment Policy – FDI Screening Mechanism to Advert Genuine Threats or Introducing Hidden Protectionism
    Žan Jan Oplotnik, Noemia Bessa Vilela, Natacha de Jesus Silva
  • Benefits of Concluding the Trade Agreement between the EU and Australia
    France Križanič, Vasja Kolšek, Žan Jan Oplotnik
  • Characteristics of Services and Interdependency between Export and Innovation Intensity in the Sector of the Business Services
    Janez Rogelj, Štefan Bojnec, Klavdij Logožar
  • The Role of Strategic Alliances in Inter-organizational Learning in International Business
    Klavdij Logožar
  • The Impact of Economic Policy Uncertainty in the United States on Unemployment of Black and White Americans: Pre-pandemic Evidence
    Dejan Romih, Mojca Ramšak, Alenka Kavkler
  • Consumer Behaviour of Recession-hit Black Americans in the Pre-pandemic Digital World
    Mitja Brünec, Tosja Kobler Jovanovič, Domen Malc, Dejan Romih
Cover for Contemporary Issues in International Economics
November 2, 2021

Details about this monograph

Co-publisher's ISBN-13 (24)
DOI (06)
Date of first publication (11)