Enchancing the Right to be Present
This monograph is the final output of PRESENT project. The Project addresses the direct need of training and receiving insight on the changes that are going to be incorporated in the legislation of European Union Member States (MS) in order to transpose Directive (EU) 2016/343. The PRESENT partnership unites 6 partners from 6 countries (Bulgaria, Austria, Romania, Slovakia, Cyprus and Portugal) with diverse focus and a wealth of expertise. Implemented under the coordination of Law and Internet Foundation, the PRESENT project hás provided training to legal practitioners, prosecutors, and judges, who will then contribute to the enhancement of the right to be present, as delineated in the Directive in each country. Further, the PRESENT project has provided a comprehensive comparative analysis for all partner countries’ legislation in respect to the right to be present of suspected or accused persons in criminal proceedings. The project was implemented with the support of the JUSTICE Programme of the European Commission under Grant Agreement 760482.
Right to be Present and Presumption of Innocence in Cyprus Law
What lies ahead in the future for the Information and Communication Technologies’ Use in the Criminal Procedure?
Being Present in the Administrative Criminal Law: Regulation on Presence of the Hungarian Petty Offence Procedure
The Right to be Present as a Guarantee of Justice in Procedure
The Right to be Present as a Guarantee of Justice in Procedure
Right to Fair Trial from the Perspectives of Slovak Legal Acts and the European Law viz. Directive (EU) 2016/343
Practical Challenges and Best Practices Regarding the Right to be Present in Austria
Public References to Guilt and Presentation of Suspects and Accused Persons – Rule of Law in Bulgaria
The Presumption of Innocence and the Right to be Present at Trial in Criminal Proceedings: The Romanian Case Study
The Right to be Present at Trial in Criminal Proceedings under Bulgarian Legislation
General Report: Comparative Analysis of the Legal Treatment of the Right to be Present and the Presumption of Innocence in the PRESENT partner States in the light of Directive 2016/343
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